These are both sad, dark, lonely deaths of a kind to be avoided. Consider, for example, the death of Ebenezer Scrooge in Dickens’s A Christmas Carol, or the death of Nemo, the law writer in Bleak House. There are also many cultural references that suggest that to die alone is a bad thing.

When interviewed as research participants, health professionals – and nurses in particular – commonly say that no one should die alone.

This idea sits well with the view of dying that can be found in many different places. One similarity is a belief that no one should die alone. There are differences to be found between countries, but similarities too. There is plenty of research literature, from many countries, devoted to trying to decide what makes a good death. Sometimes, the relative will die when their family have gone to make a phone call or get a cup of tea, leaving the family feeling distressed and guilty for not being there when they died. It is hard – as everyday life goes on regardless – and it can be emotionally exhausting. Many people will have the experience of trying to keep vigil beside a family member. When a person is dying in a hospital or a care home it is common for the nurses caring for them to summon their family. So is it really such a bad thing to be alone when you die? Sometimes they die in a way that suggests they prefer to be alone as they are coming to the end of their lives. If you happen to get the chance, watch it, you might find something enjoyable in it.It seems so obvious that no one should die alone that we never talk about it, but people do often die when they are alone.
This is not a movie that I will recommend that you rush out to get your hands on to watch, because it just wasn't that special. My rating of "Those Who Deserve to Die" is a four out of ten stars. But keep in mind, it is a movie meant for entertainment purposes. But of course, that is a matter of personal preference and where you individually draw the line. And it could be discussed whether or not the contents of the storyline was crossing a border. Maybe it is because I am a seasoned horror veteran. But for a horror movie, then "Those Who Deserve to Die" just failed to fully entertain or impress me. The acting in the movie was adequate, and that definitely counted for something. Sure, it was done well enough, but the movie just lacks something to make it stand out. I think that writer and director Bret Wood was just simply trying to accomplish a bit more than what was possible with the boundaries of this movie. Sure, it was watchable, but it wasn't an outstanding movie. But ultimately, it was not an overly great movie. So the movie grasps around many elements. I suppose technically it is a horror movie, but I think it is more of a thriller with slasher elements to it, as well as it having some psychological thriller elements to it as well. Granted, I didn't know anything about the movie prior to sitting down to watch it, but the cover made it look like a horror movie and it is listed as horror here on IMDb. Well, when I sat down to watch the 2019 movie "Those Who Deserve to Die" I was expecting more of a horror movie.